National Council of Teachers of English
“NCTE.” NCTE, National Council of Teachers of English,
NCTE is a website that offers support to teachers and students in classrooms. There are journals, books, meetings, and web resources for teachers for professional development. There are also tools and guides for teaching writing and improving student and teacher writing. The lesson plans are linked through a website sponsored by NCTE, called ReadWriteThink. ReadWriteThink provides lesson plans, apps for the classroom, professional development guides, videos, and parent resources. There are lesson plans for grades K-12, with many different themes to choose from such as art, nonfiction, poetry, science, and many more. The lesson plans also have different focuses such as collaboration, comprehension, critical thinking, and others. These many options allow for teachers to choose what type of learning they want to teach with which topic. This is an important feature for differentiated learning exercises. This website focuses on developing English literature and communication arts skills. Along with lesson plans, the professional development aspect of this website is phenomenal. It includes blogs, online events, conventions, and access to current news within education. You must be a member of NCTE for all the benefits, which include resources and materials needed to improve instruction. The variety of lesson plans can be used for cooperative learning, differentiated instruction, and learning centers on any given day. Students can look at a piece of poetry, narrative writing, and a speech all within the same topic. This would keep students and the teacher actively engaged.
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