Adolescent Literacy

“All About Adolescent Literacy.”, WETA,
    Adlit is a website that offers resources and support for teachers and parents of struggling readers and writers, grades 4-12. There are tools and support for hot topics, classroom strategies for before, during, and after reading, blogs, themed book lists, videos for support, and professional development webcasts. The information is research-based and best practice for helping struggling readers. This website is a great tool for every classroom because there will always be a struggling reader. The website acknowledges in the importance of students being able to read and analyze what is read, not just the basics of literacy. Along with different tactics, having themed book lists is a great tool to help struggling readers become engaged and motivated to read the books they choose. Not only does this website focus on what students can do to become better readers, it also looks at the future and how to prepare students for college. This website would be useful for remediation, extension, and differentiated instruction.


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