Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom

hooks, bell. Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom. Routledge, 2010.
    hooks discusses the importance of reading literature by racist and sexist authors, and the importance of teaching and using critical thinking when reading literature. This book opens up the conversation for the importance of reading some controversial works that teach students different lessons, even though those lessons may be on uncomfortable topics. hooks also discusses how critical thinking can change discussion and learning. Critical thinking  encourages a student-centered learning environment because students are doing the thinking and discussing about topics. By having students think critically, they can apply this information to their own lives and see how the literature affects them. This can also integrate other subjects in the curriculum because much of the literature read is based on or related to events in history, which can then be taught through a history lesson. This may encourage students to become lifelong learners because they can make connections between events they know about and events they are living through, and can use this information to form thoughts and opinions.


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